Is now the best time to sell your Bergen County home?

Bergen County Home Prices Continue to Rise

While it isn’t possible to know exactly what the real estate market will do in the future, we can look at past data to give us clues about what might happen next in the Bergen County real estate market.

Today we look at the previous 8 year history in Bergen County, showing the number of residential homes for sale vs. the median home sale price.

Let's go to the charts!

The two-part chart above shows the correlation between available inventory and median home sale prices over the past 8 years in Bergen County.


From the charts, we can see that:


  • As the number of available Homes for Sale in Bergen County has declined, the sales price of homes has risen. Here we see the principle of supply and demand in action!  We are now seeing the lowest inventory and the highest prices in several years.
  • Prices regularly rise and fall based on the season. As can be seen in the top chart, the highest prices in the warmer months of June through August give way each year to lower prices in the colder months from November through January.

If prices follow their normal yearly seasonal cycle, then we are close to the highest prices that we will see until the 2024 Spring housing market.


Does that mean it’s too late to sell your home for a high price in 2023?


Absolutely Not!  We are still seeing many active buyers paying higher prices for homes than ever before!


Do you want to take advantage of the current market and sell your home for the highest price possible in 2023?


Do you want to find out how much your house can sell for in today’s market?


It just takes one phone call to get started. I have over 22 years of experience as a Bergen County realtor and I will use proven methods to get you multiple, qualified, high-price offers for your home!


Put my 22 years of experience to work for you! Contact me today to discuss how you can get the most money for your house in today’s real estate market.



New Jersey Realtor Susan Di Donato Keller Williams The North Jersey Real Estate Group

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